Shep Bryan


Hello! I am Shep Bryan IV, a physicist with a focus at the intersection of physics, AI, and biology.

I did my graduate work in physics at Arizona State University, studying under my mentor, Steve Presse. In Presse Lab we built cutting edge machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems in biophysics.

Since graduation, my advisor and I have cofounded Saguaro Solutions, a company that builds custom machine learning software for biotech companies. Our long term goal is to completely automate data science for biotech companies. As we work towards this goal we are providing contract and consulting services to labs in the life sciences. Be sure to read my life updates for the latest news on our progress.

I am starting this blog to showcase our skills and the problems that we have worked on. We have many academic papers, but I think that the blog format can reach a larger audience because of its informal nature and unrestricted perview.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or suggest topics for future posts. I am always happy to talk about science and technology!