Update February 2024

I am a dad now!

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I am a dad now and it feels great! Its honestly like a power boost and I feel more motivated than ever.

J. Shepard Bryan V was born on January 22. He was delivered via C-section and everything went really smoothly. He was 8 pounds 9 ounces and 22 inches long, which I am told is a big baby, though I have no frame of reference for baby sizes. So far he has been a very good and easy baby and we are really happy with him. My wife is also making a great recovery and is doing great.

After the delivery I took 2 weeks off for paternity leave which was awesome for getting to bond with our new baby. Prior to the delivery I had a strong expectation that after the delivery I was going to be completely bogged down by the baby and helping my wife recover, so I told the people I work with not to expect much from me for a couple months. But everything went so smoothly that I really feel ready to jump back into everything. If anything, I am more energized than ever before.

I don’t really have much else to report since my whole focus for the last month has been on the baby. Life is looking really great, and I am ready to get back to work with a newfound purpose.