Update March 2024

Dividing work into three main parts.

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Simultaneously energized by fatherhood and drained by lack of sleep, I spent last month catching up from my paternity leave. I’m now in a better spot than ever before and things are really looking up for Saguaro AI.

Recently I started dividing my work into two main parts, plus a side project. The main parts are: 1) business development, and 2) the science itself. The side project is this information physics work I’ve been developing.

Business Development

What I am finding is that the most important part of a company is that it makes money. At the end of the day, you can be working on the coolest technology ever created, but if there isn’t a market for it, then you can turn it into a company. We learned this the hard way with our fluorescence microscopy work, so I am absolutely determined to not make the same mistake again.

Saguaro AI is a part of the 2024 Nucleate Activator cohort. As part of this activator, I am working with peers and mentors to develop a comprehensive business plan for Saguaro AI. As I have said before, it really starts with defining a clear end goal then working backwards to figure out how to get there. The activator program has been equipping us with the tools and knowledge for how to fill in the individual steps, such as navigating the regulatory landscape and managing reimbursements.

We definitely have work to do, but it is starting to finally feel like there is a clear path forward for getting funding and taking our product to market, assuming that our technology works

The Science

That brings us to the science side. Working backwards from our end goal has taken us into this medical diagnostics field, which is slightly different from our previous microscopy work. This is fine, but it means that we need to spend a bit of extra time building up a track record of success in this new field. Fortunately, the academic world is far more linear than the business world, so the steps we need to take in this direction are much more clear from the start.

As far the actual science goes, we feel like we are making great progress in developing a better retina based diagnostic tool. We recently found a way to map diagnostic inference problems directly back to the Bayesian paradigm we are familiar with. We basically have a full set of equations describing the model we wish to build, now we just need to implement them.

On the bureaucratic side of things, we are spending time planning for future collaborations, grant applications, and publications. It’s good to have this in the back of our minds as we work on the actual science, but I also want to focus on the task at hand before we get too far ahead of ourselves.

Information Physics

When I get a spare moment from Saguaro AI, I have been working on a project I have been calling ``Information Physics’’. I recently posted my first work on this project in a blog post and I got a lot of great feedback! I’m planning to post some more updates on this front in the near future based on the feedback I have received so stay posted!